
Showing posts from December, 2015

Fake it till you make it

I've been meeting with a group of ladies every couple of weeks and we study a book called " Celebration of Discipline ". The book is about growing in faith and drawing closer to God, by using spiritual disciplines. I want to know more about God, and unless I have some kind of structure/discipline in doing that, most likely that wouldn't happen for me. So, it was interesting to hear the other ladies' perspectives. During one of the discussions, one of the ladies said something about " fake it till you make it ". I was somewhat taken aback when I heard this. I think that her intent in saying it, was that spiritual disciplines don't come naturally to people, so we have to keep doing it, till it becomes more meaningful or real or something of that sort. At the same time, I wonder, if we believe in a God who is all-knowing , wouldn't He know when we are faking it? Wouldn't He know that I'm sitting in the middle of a church service ...