
Showing posts from March, 2021

The serious business of heaven

CS Lewis in one of his books describes " Joy as the serious business of heaven ". Yet, a typical Christian is anything but joyful. There is always this sense of gloom and worry hanging over our shoulders.  We rarely encourage any outward expression of joy in an Indian church service. Mega churches are at the other extreme, where there is almost too much of everything and noise, and then that may be interpreted as joy. There is a solemness, almost insipid way of doing things in a traditional church. Maybe it's just me, but sometimes it feels like going through the motions. Not only do grown ups act this way, kids are expected to do the same.  Kids must be obedient to their parents, the elders and follow all the rules of the church. They must sit in one place, not move or talk or do anything to distract from the church proceedings.  Sometimes, I wonder if we teach our kids to go through the motions as well. It's like we teach them that the church experience is devoid of...