Protect them
As I watch my children grow, my strongest instinct is to nurture and protect them. Protect them, at all costs. Protect them from all danger, predators, getting hurt, disillusionment, failure and evil. The closer I look at my goals, the more I wonder if that is even possible. Growing up in Bombay was scary. It didn't seem that way when I lived there, but there are aspects of it which send me into a state of panic. The laws barely exist, and people just get away with whatever they want to do. Eve teasing is common and they prey on young children. Creepy men, unwelcome hands, standing closer than needed and suggestive language. As I found myself getting to slowly understand what kind of touch was inappropriate, I learned to protect myself. I learned to avoid crowded places. I learned to walk at safe distances from creepy people. I learned to look them in the eye. I have even slapped someone's hand. All this made me cringe at any kind of male touch, even my husband...