Protect them

As I watch my children grow, my strongest instinct is to nurture and protect them. Protect them, at all costs. Protect them from all danger, predators, getting hurt, disillusionment, failure and evil. The closer I look at my goals, the more I wonder if that is even possible.

Growing up in Bombay was scary. It didn't seem that way when I lived there, but there are aspects of it which send me into a state of panic. The laws barely exist, and people just get away with whatever they want to do. Eve teasing is common and they prey on young children.

Creepy men, unwelcome hands, standing closer than needed and suggestive language. As I found myself getting to slowly understand what kind of touch was inappropriate, I learned to protect myself. I learned to avoid crowded places. I learned to walk at safe distances from creepy people. I learned to look them in the eye. I have even slapped someone's hand.

All this made me cringe at any kind of male touch, even my husband's. As I cling to Jesus, He has made me realize that I am worth more. That, what happened in the past cannot rule my present. That, I'm worthy of being touched and loved.

I read Mary De Muth's post on sexual predators, written by someone who has been a victim of severe sexual abuse and found rest and hope in Christ.

God bless and protect our innocent children. The cries of abused and neglected children, without a voice, without any help. Tortured every single day. Who will bring them safety?

"It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." (Luke 17:1-2)


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