
Ever met a stingy person? Not in terms of gift giving or spending, but people who are stingy with affection, or stingy with acknowledging the good in someone else? Chances are, we don't like such a person. Chances are, we are that person (Maybe, not to everyone but to someone).

I have been thinking about how one of my main triggers for the past year has been ingratitude. Like when you do things for someone, but they either blow it off or don't value it. When they find things to complain about and never have a good word to say. 

When we are around generous people, it lifts us up. They raise us to be better versions of ourselves. I recently read a quote which stuck with me, "If you don't like what you are reaping, consider what you are sowing".

If we don't invest in something, whether a person, a task or a relationship, it dies a natural death. That is just the way it is. Generous people don't rely on the reciprocity of their actions to be generous. In most cases, they are generous even when they don't receive anything in return.

If I look back at what I miss about my mom, among many other things, I admired her generous spirit. Many relatives from my dad's side of the family are selfish, and ungrateful people. My parents' let these folks stay in our home in Mumbai for many, many years when we were growing up. These folks rarely did anything to help my Mom and they took my Dad's help for granted. They barely acknowledged them after they went on to get  jobs and be successful. They used them as a stepping stone and then disregarded them. I often think about how my mom not only put up with these people who she was not directly related to, but she never held a grudge or treated them poorly. Her generous spirit was part of who she was - it did not depend on what someone else did or didn't do. 

As I'm finding myself getting more petty as I get older, I have to make an effort to get myself out of this negative state. Petty people are miserable. I don't want to be a miserable, petty person. God knows that we have enough of such people already.

No one is born petty. Many petty folks have sensitive hearts. Over time, we develop layers to shield against hurt, sometimes to protect ourselves. These layers make us hard and impenetrable. They protect us to an extent but also make us brittle. 

To be vulnerable is an act of courage.

May God expand our vision to see generosity and have gratitude. May He protect us from careless words and manipulative actions. May He stop us from being callous people. May the coming year be filled with generosity in our own hearts and those around us.


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