We have a teenager in the house
Having an opinion about teenagers when I don't have one is like people talking about kids without having their own. It doesn't mean that they are not entitled to their opinions. It's just that their opinions are laced with a mix of fantasy and delusions! But, I feel very qualified (NOT!) to talk about teenagers, because I have one in the house. Our four legged friend, Henry is a teenager in doggie years. (2*7=14). See, I did my math. Henry, our teenager is a bundle of contradictions. A sweet symphony on one hand, a bitter discord on the other. He LIKES whom he likes he likes. The rest are treated with absolute disdain and suspicion. He runs away when its time to come inside the home, leave a play-area, or his buddy friends or anything he deems unnecessary. In fact, running away seems like his favorite activity. When I ask him to do something, he lifts his doggie paws in the air and tells me, "I don't want to. I want to do what I want to ...