Judge, ye not.
Lately, I've been coming across this term called " bitchy resting faces ". It is used to describe faces that look angry or pissed off, even when they are not. These faces look perpetually irritated or annoyed, unless they are smiling. Some of these faces belong to the prettiest ladies. I have this fear of my face looking like that. Some of them can't help it - their facial features tend to make them look like that. But, sometimes it is because - over time, as we judge others, certain lines on the face become prominent. The face reflects the condition of the heart. On the same lines, I have been thinking about how the dynamics of a lot of female friendships is complicated. It could be that females have a tendency to judge each other - comparing, feeling insecure, and forming elitist clubs. Last weekend, our preacher at church spoke about " judging ", and I found it to be very interesting, because it cleared a lot of misconceptions in my head. Few th...