It was somewhat unnerving when someone volunteered me to lead one of the " spiritual disciplines " discussions at the ladies' fellowship meeting. Everyone has been taking turns, so it was only fair that I would be willing to do it. I spent two weeks going back and forth with myself, about if people need to stick to what comes naturally to them, like use their God given talents or if we are expected to push ourselves out of our comfort zone and do stuff that makes us uncomfortable. I, finally came to the conclusion that everyone has something to share with regards to their faith and I do too. It was okay if I didn't make perfect sense or if I needed to say the same thing in five different ways for it to make sense. The discussion was about " Studying the Bible ", which I will admit is something that I struggle with. Anyway, this is what I ended up sharing with the group of ladies. Every morning, I tell my kids to do certain things - like brush th...