
It was somewhat unnerving when someone volunteered me to lead one of the "spiritual disciplines" discussions at the ladies' fellowship meeting. Everyone has been taking turns, so it was only fair that I would be willing to do it. 

I spent two weeks going back and forth with myself, about if people need to stick to what comes naturally to them, like use their God given talents or if we are expected to push ourselves out of our comfort zone and do stuff that makes us uncomfortable. I, finally came to the conclusion that everyone has something to share with regards to their faith and I do too. It was okay if I didn't make perfect sense or if I needed to say the same thing in five different ways for it to make sense. 

The discussion was about "Studying the Bible", which I will admit is something that I struggle with. Anyway, this is what I ended up sharing with the group of ladies.
Every morning, I tell my kids to do certain things - like brush their teeth or comb their hair, eat their food, take a shower etc. I cannot stop telling them these things because I know that they need it and it is good for them. But, for the kids, if they felt mom wasn’t around, they probably wouldn’t do it, unless they themselves see any value in it.  
I wonder, if we sometimes approach the Bible as a book of “do’s and don’ts”, or as a chore that needs to get done so that God won’t be angry or punish us or the day won’t go well or something of that sort.  
In the past, I’ve done a study of the New Testament, where I read the New Testament in 365 days. And, I did it for two years at a stretch. Yet, none of that gave me a greater understanding or appreciation for God. 
At the same time, when I read about Mary in the Bible who sat at the feet of Jesus waiting to hear everything that He had to say. And, David who said that his flesh longs for the Lord and his soul thirsts to hear from God. I’m drawn to their sense of longing. I’m constantly reminded that God doesn’t want my performance, he wants my heart. 
Is it possible that somewhere down the line, we have lost our joy in what God has to say or there are certain things that don’t connect or make sense or maybe, we don’t understand what the big deal is? 
The Bible talks about God’s redemption story for mankind, his eternal love for the fallen world, His mercy, His never failing grace. In a way, it would be like saying its God’s love story of a prince who left everything he had, and came down to save the ones he loved the most – his own children. How could someone who is so Holy, almighty and powerful look at us and call us His friends?  
I’m also reminded that God’s love and glory expresses itself in different ways to different people. Peter tarried for a few days in Joppa. He wasn’t “doing” anything, but listening and waiting on God. We sometimes fail to see God working in others’ lives, because we are busy working out our own spiritual plans for them.  
Like for Zacchaeus, Jesus asked him to come down from the tree so that he could go to his house. For the little children, he asks them to come to Him. For Nicodemus, who had an understanding of the law, He pointed out the need to be born again. And, for the rich, young ruler, he asked him to sell everything he had. For Peter, through his enthusiasm, brashness, ups and downs - God’s constant reminder was that He accepts and loves him. 
  • Paul said, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is lovely, gracious, worthy of praise – think about these things. Study enables us to think about things, because in our natural consciousness we fail to see or care about the world, relationships, people.
  • Study reveals truth. If we don’t know the truth, we cannot fight the lies, from the world, in our hearts. The truth sets us free, the truth brings darkness to light.
  • We come to study to know about God. To get a greater understanding of Him. Study, then becomes more than accumulating information but actually reflecting and helping the words take root, become richer and meaningful in our lives.
  • Study can be non-verbal. For someone, the mountains, the trees, animals and nature reveals God’s glory. For someone, it is a book or a movie or a song. For someone, like Jisha’s mom, it was going to the holy land, and seeing the things that she had read about in the Bible come to life.
  • Study is a reminder of our weaknesses, and a constant dependence on God for His grace, to learn about his beauty, to cherish, to treasure and honor Him.
What hinders us or stops us from reading the Bible?
(For me, was to reconcile the God of the Old Testament and the New Testament. To me, it seemed like the God of the OT was angry and I did not understand him. Yet, when I think about Jesus coming down to save the world because his Father sent Him, I know that there is so much more than what I understand right now)
Surprisingly, this was not as intimidating as I thought it would be. It could be because these ladies were open and receptive. That, they were willing to share their input, their fears and insecurities and how God is willing to meet us right in the middle of all of it.


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