Lack of love
Of all the maladies in the world, the single most depressing thing is our lack of love. Sure, we can love those who love us. We can love those who are good to us. We can love those who meet our expectations. We can love those who make us feel needed and special. We can love our innocent, cute little babies. But, Jesus speaks about loving our enemies and loving our neighbors as much as ourselves. I'm certain that I'm not even remotely close to feeling any of that. It is said that - Love is a choice, an action and not based on human feelings. But, how can I manufacture something which doesn't exist in the first place? How can I go from feeling indifferent to suddenly caring? How can I judge someone's apathy when I'm pretty much the same way? What if I don't even feel love for my family or my friends, let alone my nieghbor or enemy? If Christ is a source of love, why didn't He give me this gift? As much as it hurts to think of it this way, how much more indiffe...