Bare it all

Women like to look pretty, sometimes don't we all? We dress up and put on our high heeled shoes and our dangling earrings. We add a dab of perfume, straighten and curl our hair, do our pedicures, manicures, waxes and bleaches. Boy, we do a lot to look nice!

So, why do we dress up? Many reasons, I presume. It could be our intrinsic nature to want to doll up and look feminine. Dressing up can make us feel confident and good about ourselves. It gives us that extra boost when we are feeling down about something. It makes us feel young. If we have been working out, we might want to flaunt it.

Women, can go the other extreme too. The jeans get skinnier, the skirts shorter, the cleavage, bellybutton, legs, hips, and thighs are all out on display. A lot of this is also influenced by society and the culture, what's totally acceptable in America will be frowned upon in other conservative societies like the Middle East. In certain tribal areas, women dress topless, and it's certainly an acceptable form of dressing for them.

But, what when any kind of attention-screaming dressing is seen because women at a sub-conscious or conscious level want attention from the opposite gender, MEN? If women tie their self worth or identity to how many men she is successful at getting to ogle at her, she is just driving herself down a bottomless pit. There is no dignity involved in being treated like a piece of meat. Let's value ourselves at a higher level. God has created us as precious beings, why should women degrade themselves like that? It doesn't make sense to me. Are we like objects for mindless exposure and pleasure ?


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