The ability to receive

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalms 118:24

Much about our joy, is based on how we receive God's blessings.

The more I think about it, the more I find that we sometimes struggle with being able to receive. Even in my day to day life, if someone were to give me a compliment, my first reaction is to brush it off. Or pretend that the person is not saying something nice to me. I also tend to say something supposedly funny to negate what the other person says. For a long time, I assumed that I was being modest in doing that.

But, on the contrary, I find that it takes more grace and humility to accept a compliment than it does to reject it.

By accepting a genuine compliment, with a simple smile or thank you, makes the giver feel like he/she has said something of value to us.

By not accepting it, we are essentially telling ourselves and others that "You don't know what you're talking about, because you don't know the whole picture and you don't know me". We refuse to accept God's blessings in the form of our talents by refusing to acknowledge them or thank God for it. Sometimes, we almost act as though God made a mistake in blessing us with a certain talent, or that God did not do a good enough job, because he didn't meet our perfect standards or expectations.

If we realized the true extent of God's blesssings, our hearts would probably overflow with gratitude, thankfulness and joy. If we don't receive with a gracious heart, it is almost impossible to give to others.

Jesus, give me an open, receiving heart.
That I may graciously accept your gifts,
Of salvation, forgiveness and an abundant life.
Jesus, help me to give freely of what I receive,
because only when a cup is full can it fill what is empty.


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