
As you SCREAM at your woman, there's a man wishing he could whisper softly in her ear.
While you HUMILIATE, OFFEND and INSULT her, there's a man flirting with her & reminding her how beautiful she is.
While you HURT your woman, there's a man wishing he could take her pain away.
While you make your woman CRY, there's a wanting to make her smile.

This was posted on facebook by someone, and it stayed with me for weeks after it was posted. Women seemed to love this message and most who commented on the facebook status, congratulated the individual on his sensitivity, and on how well he "understood" women.

It is certainly understandable that there are relationships in which the woman is subject to domestic violence or abuse. In such cases, a woman may want to leave the man for someone who would appreciate her more.

But, the reality of the situation is that in most cases, there are two individuals who are responsible for making or breaking anything. A woman is hardly an epitome of virtue or grace, especially when she feels threatened and provoked. When we had problems in our marriage, I had my moments when I would pass snide remarks or push the right buttons, and my husband would pop a fuse. I knew how to be disrespectful, but I would do it indirectly. Turns out he's the bad guy because he lost his temper. Did I have something to do with it? Not something that I would freely admit, nor did that make me want to change anything about myself. Old habits die hard, sometimes they don't die at all.

Apparently, there is this knight in shining armor who is just waiting to sweep the woman off her feet. This idea is delusional at best. We are flawed individuals, and there is no such thing as a perfect man or woman. It takes only the grace of God to be able to love someone and see past their imperfections. Even if were to find this perfect person, we would bring our own insecurities to the relationship, which would lead to similar or different set of problems.

What if someone who is in the middle of a difficult marriage feels inclined to leave his/her partner because he/she believes this kind of garbage? How terribly tragic it would be, if we can't see past our own pride or admit our inadequacies and fight for what God has given us. God restores, only He can rejevenuate. What we continue to hold onto is our individuality, and sadly even that isn't attractive anymore.

And, if you were ever to find such a man as described in the message, just turn your back and RUN like hell!


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