Welcome home, baby!

We now have a new little sunshine as part of our family.

She is 5 months old now - Naomi Grace Joshua- full of giggles and smiles. She loves to munch on things - her hands, toys, anything she can lay her hands on. She also seems to be full of wonder at all the food we seem to be eating. She opens her mouth as if to say, "I'd like a bite of that!" She rolls a bit, and kicks with her chubby, little legs but mostly she is just a kangaroo baby, who wants to be held all the time.

Little brother Daniel is very fond of his sister. He always makes sure that mommy is holding her and gets somewhat anxious when someone else holds her.

Life, as I know it, will never be the same. I'm thankful for days when I can catch some leisure time.

Thank God for His blessings - children have a way of creeping into the heart and before you know it, can't even imagine life without these treasures.

I'm sure to miss my babies as they grow older, but part of me is excited to see their little personalities grow, and bloom as teens, young adults. God, give me a heart to appreciate my children.

Consider your responsibility as parents to be to shape your child rather than to control him or her. Think of being a parent like being a gardener. You can not control the color of the flower or when it blooms, but you can pick the weeds and prune the plants so that the flower blossoms to greatest advantage


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