Unanswered prayers

I wonder, why pray?

Is God a stubborn God who needs to be coaxed and cajoled so that He would finally listen? 

What about if someone has prayed for years and not received answers? Does it mean that their faith was not as strong enough as someone whose prayers were answered?

Or does it depend on the person praying - God will answer based on who is praying?

I've had unanswered prayers. I prayed for my mother to be healed. I read and claimed every promise in the bible about healing. But, God chose to call her home. I've wondered about my significance - if my prayers were important or earnest enough. 

Philippians 4: 6-7
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 
Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

God has not promised to answer everything we ask of Him and sometimes based on the things we ask Him, I think that is a good thing. He has asked us to submit our cares on His shoulders and trust Him to do what's best. 

He has not promised quick fixes. He has promised peace which transcends all understanding. 

God cares for an expectant heart, a heart that turns to Him looking for answers with hope. He does answer, but in His time and in His way. 

How else could one explain apostles being tortured, hung upside down but still singing hymns of praise? How can one explain Moses stuck in the desert for 40 years? He was asked to wait so that God could teach him something. Moses turned out to be one of the most powerful leaders. Their prayers were probably unanswered and they looked ridiculous in the world's eyes. Just like our dear friend, Tebow, who also didn't carry him team to victory inspite of his earnest prayers. 
My peace I give you, He has said and what a splendid reassurance that is.


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