The power of STOP

Life, as I know it, is often defined by busyness. Running from one activity to the next. If it's not household chores, it is errands, or taking care of the kids, or entertaining or cooking. Sometimes, I go from day to day, exhausted, weary, and grumpy. 

It was as if God was speaking to me, when I find this article by Mary DeMuth in my inbox today about rest.

We’re on a sickening treadmill of accomplishments, tasks, busyness, and joylessness. Every year we increase the speed of our lives, all the while wanting to slow down. But society says we can’t, and we blindly follow its speedy advice.

We don’t grow when we hurry. We grow when we dare to stop.

Michael Yaconelli writes, “Spiritual growth is not running faster, as in more meetings, more Bible studies, and more prayer meetings. Spiritual growth happens when we slow our activity down. If we want to meet Jesus, we can’t do it on the run. If we want to stay on the road of faith, we have to hit the brakes, pull over to a rest area, and stop. Christianity is not about inviting Jesus to speed through life with us; its about noticing Jesus at the rest stop.” (Messy Spirituality, p. 88).
"As we keep or break Sabbath day, we nobly save or meanly lose the last best hope by which man rises" - Abraham Lincoln

If you can’t rest for yourself (and for the sake of your new life this year), consider resting for the sake of others. If you’re refreshed, you’ll be better able to refresh others.

Jesus I’m so tired. I’m too busy. I can’t see straight. My schedule is my god. I need Your holy perspective on my rush-rush life. Help me be brave and countercultural enough to take a weekly break. Help my family see the need for stopping, too. And give me a renewed perspective on a balanced, happy life.
Help me use this time of rest to draw closer to you, Jesus. Not stay in my wandering, idle state of mind. - Amen


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