My Papa is the kind of man who is

Solid, dependable, kind, generous, authentic and honest. He's not someone to overtly express affection or give hugs or kisses or say 'I love you'. Yet, he made me feel special and important, without being expressive. 

I haven't heard him complain, even when times were tough. It broke our heart when we finally saw him break down when Mummy died. It's easy to take for granted a parent who is alive, especially when the one who is gone is missed so much. But, our papa is here. And, we need to cherish and love him, for as long as possible. This is the reality my sister and I need to be aware of.

I didn't learn of God from Papa. In fact, he was agnostic for most of his life. He would sing Christian songs with Mummy,  and attend church on a few special occasions  Mummy held on to her faith for as long as she lived. But, with Papa, he was a skeptic. I saw him pick up a bible and read it, looking for answers, after mummy died. And he read it quickly, in 8 months or so. Enough to grasp what it said, to believe in a creator and accept the divinity of Christ. Thank God for that, I pray that he continues to grow in faith.

What I remember most about Papa, is him waking up at 4:30 in the morning to make me coffee so that I could study. He couldn't sleep after that, but he did it anyway because that was the only time I chose to study. 

Papa got his doctorate when working full-time  yet he never made me feel small or stupid when I didn't do well in school. He didn't compare my sister and I, though my sister did exceptionally well in school. He trusted me to make my own decisions. He would be okay with me going for discos and what not (something, that my hubby finds very difficult to believe :)) He only asked that we speak the truth, and not keep anything from him. The most important thing he taught me was that it is okay to fail, but it is never okay to stop trying. He reminded me of this, every time I came home with a bad report card.
You can do better. I know it. It will happen next time.

Papa is real. We see him for all his flaws. He doesn't make excuses for it. When he remarried soon after mummy passed away, most people assumed he didn't love his wife and forgot about her too soon. But, we know that the opposite of it was true. He was too heartbroken to function. He loved her deeply. Thank God for the provision of finding him a companion. 

Thank God for the blessing of parents. May their tribe grow and increase.

Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a Dad.


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