Well wishers

We tend to use this term loosely, but so much is attached to being a well wisher. I have found that when times are hard, there are many people who would offer sympathy, prayers and help. They feel sorry for you. They reach out and try to make you feel better. 

But, a true well wisher rejoices when you do well. They don't compare, secretly envy or give you half- hearted accolades and encouragement. They are out there, with gusto, cheering for you. I have found that these kind of people are rare gems. One would be very blessed and fortunate to have even few of such well wishers in our lives.

Sure, we can cheer for people and be happy for them as long as they don't do better than us or seem blessed in areas where we are hurting or feel insecure about. When they have the better houses, better cars, better jobs, children who do well, better marriages - when we don't have any of those things. It's hard to be happy for them.

It takes a genuine leap of faith to wish well for people, who have things that seem perfect, where opportunities are handed to them on a silver platter, while we struggle to get basic things going. 

Well wishers are precious and few. I'm convinced that it takes something supernatural to be a well wisher. It is not completely human, and not something that comes naturally.

And when one finds well wishers, you know they are special and we can open our hearts and lives to them, knowing fully well, that they won't begrudge you for your joys. Well wishers will be delighted, will pray for you and thank God for you. May God bless their hearts with His abundant grace.


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