The life of the unborn

If you want to start off your day with opinions, stupid ones specifically, Facebook statuses are the way to go. 

Here's one interesting status that a lady posted on facebook. 

Got a vagina? Yes? - then you may have an opinion on women's reproductive rights. NO? - Then shut up!

She got quite a few female supporters. Uh-huh.

Here are a few - 
If the guy is pro-life, I respectfully suggest working to reduce war, reduce environmental pollution, improve industrial safety regulation, eliminate guns, etc. Many, many lives are lost needlessly there than via the wombs of unwilling women. 
What irks me the most is when regulations are forced on us women - first its contraception, then shutting down clinics, then not permitting Obgyns to have admission rights in hospitals, then limiting morning after pills age limits, then say that legitimate rape is a valid exception.  
Men's intolerance to women's reproductive freedom is not just hypocritical but fundamentally an expression of their insecurities! 
A woman's reproductive right is her own business.

Sometimes, the sheer implications of what people are saying stick with you longer than it should. I hope that some of these self-proclaimed activists/feminists don't take it upon themselves to represent the entire female population, because not all women share their view. 

O, all ye poor oppressed women. All your rights are being taken away. Now, your vagina too. No way! 

If what she is stating is true, most people should just SHUT UP about everything, if it doesn't affect them personally. 

It takes two to make a baby and men are very much part of that picture. By stating that a woman's reproductive right is her business, women should also not be asking men to pay for child support. To keep the child or not, and fend for the child should solely be the woman's responsibility.

One can never know what forces someone to have an abortion. It could be an extremely painstaking decision - maybe a rape, incest, or a very young girl who does not have the means or resources. It is far too easy to condemn an act, but only God can truly know. It is personal, very personal.

But, many of these abortions take place in the lives of women and girls who have access to everything. They want their sexual freedom, but refuse to take ownership or responsibility for the consequences. 

Why should society let them make these decisions cheaply and without question? If the life of an unborn child is in the hands of unwilling mothers, why should it not be treated with the same magnitude as say, murder? If someone is willing to accept abortion, one also has to believe that the unborn aren't yet human beings.

So, I sincerely hope that all the men - my husband, the fathers and the sons learn to speak up for the life of these unborn. Or, we would be soon looking at a society that is dead in its soul with no one to stand up for moral convictions.

There are ultimately only two possible adjustments to life; one is to suit our lives to principles; the other is to suit principles to our lives. If we do not live as we think, we soon begin to think as we live. The method of adjusting moral principles to the way men live is just a perversion of the order of things - Fulton J. Sheen.


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