Tell me sweet little lies

We were part of a fellowship meeting a few weeks ago, and someone asked me what I liked about my husband. My immediate response was to say that he was an honest person. It is true. That is probably the first thing that I noticed about him. He told me everything about his life, even the parts that I didn't want to know.

There is something about honesty which makes it a very attractive trait. At the heart of it, it says I can trust this person. This person does not let me down. This person does not play or manipulate me. This person is not deceitful, and has got my back.

My sister is another one of those very honest people. I can trust her with my life, because I have never known her to tell a lie. I feel blessed to have honest people in my life.

I have wondered if I'm as honest as I would like to be. There are occasions when I lie.
Sometimes, to avoid an uncomfortable conversation.
Sometimes, to cover up something.
Sometimes, because the random lie makes me look better.
Sometimes, because I like the lie better than I like the truth.
Sometimes, because I fear consequences.

And then there are those who bluff for the heck of it. They think that it is funny and they like to think of others as fools.

It has been distressing to me to find out that my son who didn't even know what a lie meant is now saying things like, "I didn't do it. Naomi did". I hope that as parents we can create a safe enough environment for kids to confess when they mess up, rather than wanting to present a perfect image. 

It takes courage to speak the truth - to take a stand and say something about serious matters. Honesty means more than just relaying accurate information. If it is not done with gentleness and love, it can hurt more than it builds.

Teach us then, Father, to be honest,
To walk in your light and speak the truth,
Teach us about your patience and humility,
Father, help us be authentic. 

Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ (Ephesians 4:15)


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