Come, sit awhile with me

Naomi has always been someone who needs constant affection. Even as a baby, she would push Daniel out of the way, and find a way to sit on Mommy's or Daddy's lap. She is also someone who expresses affection with loads of hugs and kisses. She is like my little "cuddle-ball".

Sometimes, when they are sitting on the couch watching TV or something, she will loudly call out for me and say, "Mommy, come sit with me". I find myself saying that I'll be there but sometimes I don't find time to sit with her.

Mostly, because they are watching something on TV that I have watched more than a dozen times, and it drives me crazy to keep watching it. And, also because I have other things to do, like check out irrelevant news on the internet or read all the silly stuff that someone is posting on Facebook or check my cell phone for the latest updates. 

The other day when she asked me to sit with her, I actually stopped what I was doing and went and sat with her and held her. I think there was this realization that she isn't going to want to do this for a long time. The chances of a teenager asking their Mommy to come sit with them is next to NIL. She will soon find more interesting things to do. She will find more interesting and cooler people than her parents. 

I heard a sermon where a preacher mentioned that when you are resting, you should REST and when you are working, you should WORK. Most times, things that we think are restful, end up being the opposite of that. It riles us up or distracts us from all that is truly important in life. So, we end up neither working nor resting.

Holding a child that just wants to cuddle is restful.

Also, reminds me of how God also asks of such a simple thing to "Come, sit awhile with Him". The only difference is that God never stops wanting for us to spend time with Him.

"Dear God,
With you, I'm comfortable.
I know I can talk about anything, or sit by your side in complete silence. You see me at my worst, but still accept everything about me.
I can be happy about my biggest achievements, and my deepest insecurities. I'm comfortable with you, and you should know that means everything to me. When I talk, I know that I'm being understood and loved. And, for this and a lot more, I'm thankful".


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