The disconnect

Someone we know talked about one of his friends and how that friend was a devout Christian, but eventually stopped reading the Bible and going to church when he discovered that God was the "villain" of the Old Testament.

Though, I could not relate or agree with that statement, I could understand to a certain extent, where this person was coming from. There are parts in the Bible which make no sense unless one makes an effort to study it in-depth or someone else explains the history or context behind it. Even then, there are things which just seem bizarre or radical. Most people who walk away from their faith also have similar reasons.

It is interesting to read comments/reactions, when a religious article is posted on message boards and websites. Someone will comment on how religious people have very low IQ's, and how could someone worship a God that kills babies and destroys nations. They throw in the fiery, blazing furnace of hell, as an argument. And then, they question, how could someone call such a God - kind, loving or even believe He exists or protects or does anything worthwhile. 

As usually the way arguments go, nothing substantial or significant comes out of it. It's like a bunch of people on both sides of the fence expressing opinions, where no one is paying attention and nothing makes sense.

Sometimes, as a guilty pleasure, I used to watch a channel called "Investigative Discovery". One just has to watch a few episodes here and there, to see the twisted minds, violence, betrayal, and evil that takes place in real life is mind-numbing. It makes it seem like the world is an unsafe, sick place. It put me in an unstable and uneasy frame of mind - which is why I stopped watching it, because I couldn't handle it anymore. 

When I watched it, I would wonder - where is God in the middle of all this? Why didn't He save the innocent people? Why did He let their lives amount to nothing? Why did they face betrayal from the ones they trusted the most?

This also makes me believe that on one hand we want free will and the power to make our own decisions without consequences. On the other hand, when it is someone else's sin, we want God to intervene and judge these individuals for their dastardly acts. 

We want God to put a stop to it. Yet, in the Old Testament, incidents of God putting a stop to it, make us cringe and question His judgement. I don't claim to understand everything but in a lot of instances in the Old Testament, people experienced God's holy judgement, His righteousness and anger in the face of blatant evil and sin. 
Not until we have become humble and teachable, standing in awe of God's holiness and sovereignty. acknowledging our own littleness, distrusting our own thoughts, and be willing to have our minds turned upside down, can divine wisdom become ours - J.I. Packer
Sometimes, I feel like a little child who has caught just a glimpse of a ray of sunshine. If I were to experience the whole expanse of the sun, it would probably make me blind. That is how I think of the sheer intensity of God's holy presence and His love.
“He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. … The LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.” - Isaiah 53
A villain? No. The Bible is like the greatest love story of all. The rescue story of a young hero who leaves his palace, his throne, everything to rescue the one he loves - his own children.


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