I don't care

We live in this age of social-connectedness - with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and what not. Yet, I find that people have never been more lonely or more desperate for connection and friendship.

The other day, Daniel asked Naomi a question, and she responded with "I don't care". Daniel said that in his classroom at school, the 7 year old kids think that it is a horrible thing to say that one doesn't care. He said, "you know, Naomi, even the mean kids think that - this is a really bad thing to say to someone".

On Facebook, most of the things that get posted are "happy" things. Every once in  while, someone might post something heartfelt. Maybe, a time of grief, a moment of vulnerability or sadness. And, we as people, have the option of scrolling because it makes us uncomfortable, or we are pre-occupied, or we don't know what to say or how to react or we don't like the person or maybe, we just don't care. 

We have the option of just moving on to a "happy event" on Facebook, without feeling the need to respond. One might also feel the sudden urge to share this ridiculously happy, happening event in our life, that everyone else absolutely needs to know about - at the same time, when someone else is crying their heart out. Life, after all, has to go on. We can't stop being happy, just because someone else is sad. 

In a real life situation, this would be considered apathy, indifference, callousness and cold-heartedness. Yet, most of social media interactions are built on things that are superficial. Facebook and other social media tools are doing people a disservice in some ways, because it seems to have normalized this lack of authenticity and apathy in "supposed" friendships.

Our lives are also moving to this state of indifference. Not caring about anyone except oneself and one's own. 

I wonder about what I would teach my little kids, when for most part, we don't really care.

"I have a strong feeling that the opposite of love is not hate - it's apathy. It's not giving a damn. - Leo Buscaglia".


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