
 We spend a great deal of our life doing work. Not just work, as in a job but work as in our day to day tasks or to-dos. Especially, as an adult, the things that constitute as work grow exponentially.

In a family, there are tasks that a husband does and things a wife does. It differs greatly in each family. Ideally, each individual can do things that they are good at, so it doesn't seem like such a burden.

In some families, where the man has a patriarchal mindset, he may consider kitchen duties like cooking or cleaning beneath his dignity. The same can be true for a wife - when she views kitchen duties as inferior. So, there is this struggle and imbalance of power.

I enjoy cooking. I grew up in a family where both my parents cooked and were good at it. It is also common in Bombay for neighbors and friends to cook and share tasty treats and recipes with each other. 

It's hard to explain this to people who might see me cooking and think I'm slogging away in the kitchen. This isn't true in my case, because I find cooking relaxing and it is an outlet for creativity. 

Sometimes, work can be mundane, tedious or routine. For example, driving to places. It is one of those things I do because it has to be done.  Navigating to unknown places stresses me out. I also dislike manual labor like snow plowing, lawn mowing, dragging heavy things around the house to re-organize or what not. I know of people who do these things with ease and very well.

As much as we dislike certain tasks, it still needs to be done. This is part of being a functioning adult and doing our part to not contribute to imbalance. No one looks at a dirty toilet and thinks to themselves, "Oh, nice! I get to clean this". 

The problem is when adults start acting selfish and dump all responsibility on one person. It's like they spend their  entire lives being lazy and getting other people to do things for them.  A dysfunction is created when each individual does not pull their weight in the family.

A sluggard's appetite is never fulfilled, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied - Proverbs 13:4

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.  - Colossians 3:23

We often talk about service at church but the majority of our life is spent outside of church. Service begins at home.


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