Faith and atheism

Simply put, an atheist does not believe in any supernaturnal power, or God. Their theory is based on being in control of their own destiny. Some point to Darwin's theory or the Big Bang theory as proof of our existence. They also call themselves, humanists.

While the existence of God is very difficult to prove, consider this - If indeed, there was God, would you want to know Him? Strangely, not many would even believe that there is indeed such a possibility?

Atheists often point out how religious or spiritually inclined individuals are not rational or objective. Anybody who believed in God was silly, superstitious, ignorant, and had simply not looked at the evidence. Some atheists feel that believers in God were uneducated and were just following traditions, superstitions, and things that really made no sense to a person who was aware of what was going on around them.

How does one explain miracles or life changing experience, all of which defy any logic or reason? Have you experienced any such thing? I have, and I feel restored and blessed. Thank you, God.

"Faith is not about standing on rooftops and forcing your beliefs down someone's throat - it is a quiet acceptance in the knowledge of the creator"


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