The heart of a mother

Every once in a while, I get the itch. The itch that says, "what are you doing with your life?". "Don't you have better things to accomplish than sit at home and take care of a child?" "What if, you are stuck doing this for the rest of your life?". Staying at home to take care of my little one was never an easy decision for me. But, at those moments, I hear a gentle voice reminding me of the blessing and privilege to be a parent - and a mother.

I have heard someone say,

"There is no greater place of ministry, position or power than that of a mother".

It is true that as a mother, I have been put in a capacity to influence, nurture and mold my child.

I spent some time, thinking about what God would expect out of me as a parent.

A heart that has a passion for teaching God's word
A woman who in her own heart has a deep and abiding passion for God's word can try to instill the same in her children. God's word has value for salvation and eternity. This is the tablet that the children will wear around their necks, as they go about their day to day activities, and make choices that would influence them for life. We make a decision to "go all out for the gospel", and relate every tiny little thing to God. We teach by our words - by our talk. We teach more by our walk - how we live our lives. The heart of a woman who thinks, loves, acts, speaks, and prays for the children with a large and passionate heart.

A heart that overflows with affection
To be able to treat children lovingly, with affection - a love that cherishes the object. To be able to provide the necessities of life for her precious family - food, clean clothing and a safe home. This puts all the mundane day to day tasks in perspective.

A heart of happiness, fun, and giving
Our children and (husbands) should be able to count on us to have a joyful spirit. As the kids walk through the door after a day at school, they should feel wanted and appreciated, whether it's a favorite treat, a hug, a compliment, smile or a kiss. They should see seeds of patience, faith and kindness in us. To be able to care for with an unconditional heart of loving, despite failures.

A heart that gives preferential treatment
Don't give away to others what you haven't first given at home. Sometimes, we spend more time on other people than we do for our kids and family. Our children get the leftovers, what is left at the remainder of a tired working day, or an active social life. When the child is with us, the child should get attention and our full focus.

A heart that is quiet
To be able to talk about children with a sense of joy. To know when to keep quiet, especially when broadcating negative information about kids, "Oh the terrible twos", "My defiant son", and so on. A heart that does not compare your own children with someone.

A heart that encourages and disciplines
To be able to correct bad behavior. To have the courage and patience to discipline. To exhibit the same grace that God has given us to our children. To keep doors of communication open, and to be able to lovingly instill good values.

And so, the joys and responsibilities of raising children. I'll try and fail, so help me God. With much love and hugs to my darling baby boy, Daniel. May God always give me a heart of gratitude for this blessing.


Aben said…
Hope u never regrets..
Barefoot said…
I see it as having my cake and eating it too ;)
If God is willing, he can open doors for me, even at a later date, when this little guy goes off to school :)
Thanks for sharing such wise words:) Later, he will be forever influenced by others. Today he is exclusively yours to mold and hold. He'll only remember these years through your eyes. Yet be left with vital skills and bonding you encourage in him. Perhaps right now, in the eyes of God, this is the most important job on earth.

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