BSF notes - John

We are studying John, at the bible study fellowship.

Notes from the lectures -

John 18:1-27

1) Do you like to be in control? Our thoughts, emotions, future, day to day events in our life, including parenting, work, relationships.
We cannot control anything. Even things that we thought were achieved by our merit, has been purely God's grace. God is in control of every situation. It's only when we lean to draw on God's strength, can we truely give up control.

2) How did Judas betray Jesus for some money? We do that all the time, by clinging to worldly things, by sideling God and not making him a priority.

3) Jesus was not a helpless, defeated victim. He gave up his life being in complete control, because of his father's will. When we commit to God, he protects you. (I have not lost a single one of those you gave me).

4) We have to surrender to be in control by Jesus. Else, we are controlled by sin. Admit the bondage of sin. Do not downplay it, justify it, or wish it away. True repentance involves turning away from sin. Jesus looks at the intent of the heart.

5) Are we willing to drink the cup of suffering or be in bondage for a period of time, to accomplish God's will in us? Examples include old parents, bad marital relationship, unsatisfying career. Ask for Jesus to be in control, and trust him as he leads you to victory.

6) We need to stand up for the truth, when confronted by those who are intent in their own way. Truth will not make you popular or liked. It is not humilty by giving in to something wrong. Not telling the truth when we need to, and remaining silent - example Peter. Listen to the truth until it guides you. Truth sets you free.

7) One step in evil leads to another one. Life can be about a series of bad compromises. Peter was scared. Fear, lack of prayer leads us down the wrong path. Jesus restores us when we truly repent.

8) It is never too late. Those who are used by God, have denied God many times but have still been used when they realized their own sins and turned away from it. Jesus can purge all sins and give a person a clean slate.

9) Which area of our life do we long to be in control of ? Pride, selfishness, etc. Take that area to Jesus and let the perfectly controlled one take control. We can have victory as he did.

John 18:28 - 19:17

1) Truth is only given to those who ask for it. Pilate had the opportunity to ask any question. World tells us that there is no absolute truth. But, God's word tells us that He is the way, truth and life. If we seek him, we will find him. What truth are you refusing to believe?

2) We cannot be neutral about Jesus. We are more accountable because we know God's word and reject it.

3) We cannot please both God and man. Jesus always only pleased God. If we give our life to God, he will teach us about people.

4) God won't ask you to do anything that he hasn't done himself. Pilate washed his hands believing himself to be innocent. Do we do the same?

5) we have to call our sin, Sin. Our sin put Jesus on the cross. Women were wailing because of pity they felt for Jesus nailed on the cross. A sinless one, who had not committed any wrong. Jesus does not need our pity. Increasingly, churches are talking about messages that people's itching ears want to hear. Sin is not spoken in churches, and not acknowledged for what it is. The Holy spirit does not condemn, it convicts.

6) Either weep in repentance or weep in judgement. Do our sins lead us to tears and repentance or are we sentimental about it? We are free to choose. Everything is in God's timing.

John 19:18-30

1) The true picture of cross is not beautiful. It is a graphic, repulsive image. It is the crossroad for all men - the way of the cross or the way of men.

2) God, in Christ, understands both human and divine suffering. Jesus was offered wine to dull the pain, but he refused because he wanted to be in control of his faculties. He still had work to do - pray for the sinners who put him on the cross, ask for John to take care of his mother, talk to the thieves on the cross.

3) Crucification was a slow, humilating and degrading death. He was naked on the cross. It was used only for criminals, and outcasts. The crown of thorns was beaten into his head. His whole being was repulsive. In the same way, our sins are repulsive to God.

4) Until we say that Jesus died for me, and my sin, we don't acknowledge the true message of the cross.

5) How do we react to physical suffering and mistreatment? Can we pray for our enemies, or do we seek revenge? There is no sin that God cannot forgive.

6) Adam and Eve ran for cover because of their nakedness. It was connected to the shame associated with sin. Jesus understands temptation. It gets worse towards the end.

7) When the thief spoke to Jesus on the cross, Jesus did not ask him to get baptized or belong to a certain church. It was complete acceptance, and demonstration of the Messiah's love, for anyone who would come to Him just as they are.

8) Our suffering is not to be wasted. There is a purpose accomplished in it. What kind of mess are we in? Are we contemplating divorce? We can choose to let God work in our lives, in the midst of our suffering, and lean on Him.

9) Sin seperates us from God, but the blood of the lamb was shed for the forgiveness of sins so that we can be declared righteous.

10) Jesus death was a triumph not a tragedy. So, live as Christ possession. Cross reveals man for what they really are - poor, wretched and pitiful.


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