Real men

Maybe, it is part of our genetic makeup to want to be liked. We want to be accepted, to be desired, cherished and loved. We look for acceptance from people. Sometimes, we put on our best behavior, a fake smile, tidy up our insecurities, put on masks and act nice.

What if all the veneer was blown away? Would we be accepted or liked? Most likely, not. 

Reminds me of my husband, who most of the time, talks about all the ways he has gone wrong. People get a chuckle out of it. Some use it as an opportunity to slam him and be derogatory. That's the best we as a society, do for people who are vulnerable, real or honest. Isn't it then understandable why we spend all our lives acting out our parts?

Isn't it ironic, that the closer we are to understanding our sinfulness, the better we can grasp the extent of God's grace? Why would a God who is all perfect, accept someone as wretched? Why would He treat us as heirs and love us so dearly? Why would He accept someone who no one else can?

I hope I too can get to a state where I am comfortable talking about my failures. Right now, not even close. I look at my husband, sometimes with awkwardness, sometimes in awe, and disbelief. Isn't that what a church was supposed to be? A haven - where people could open up, share their sorrows, be edified and strengthened as we pray for each other?

Happy Father's day, to the man of our house. God bless you and strengthen you. 

Here is a poem that our baby Nooms wrote (if she could) for her Daddy. I think that it is fitting that she gets to do that, since Daniel has done that too.

Dearest Daddy, 
You, my Daddy, are my light and my pride,
In your arms, I can safely hide.
Your warm hand, I learnt to hold,
To wipe away my tears and soothe my fears. 
With you, I learnt how to be a naughty little girl,
Pull my brothers cheeks and tickle his ears.
I love it, when you hug me so tight,
You treat me like a baby princess,
Which is what I am, alright. 
If I could say my little prayers,
I would say a special one for you,
Thank God for his loving kindness,
For bringing us, YOU. 
We love all your magical stories and your sing song tales,
We love our kundi spanking monster,
With his big bear hugs and silly grins. 
My brother and I, if we could speak, would proudly talk
About the power of Love we feel,
In our Daddy's hands.
Hugs and kisses,
Baby Naomi and big brother Daniel


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