Happy anniversary!

We celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary today. Thank you, God for bringing us this far. We know that we couldn't have done it without you. We pray for your strength and grace to grow in love for each other, wisdom in bringing up our children and the desire to know more about you.

It amazes me to be surrounded by children who care. I don't remember celebrating anniversaries. Usually, Christmas takes priority. Most years, we don't remember when our anniversary comes and goes. 

But, this year, we had a bunch of church boys who found out, bring us flowers and breakfast from chic - fil - A. And then, we have this sweet and thoughtful girl from church write us this touching poem. Pray God continues to bless these children with a heart to reach out and be thoughtful to others.

The Perfect Balance

His intense gaze, her delicate eyes.
His deep voice, her soft words.

His heavy steps, her light feet.
His jolly laugh, her cheerful giggle.
His quick temper, her everlasting patience.
His confidence is her stronghold.

His love is her comfort.
His motivation is her love. 

What is seen today was once his alone and her's alone. What once was his is now also her's and what once was her's is now also his. Through this union and mutual sharing, they have grown to become a vital part of each other's worlds. So crucial a part that they truly could not survive without the other. While they appear to have been perfectly created for each other, they were not initially made for each other. Rather, they are each continuously being molded for the other through God's gentle hands.



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