The intent of the heart

Sometimes, I catch tidbits of the struggles of children growing up in America. The hard day to day choices they make, the pressure to conform, living under the baggage of being good kids. It wasn't as if living in India was easy. In fact, most kids there don't experience a sheltered environment. They have to grow up becoming independent sooner than later. 

Yet, the more I hear about the struggles of kids here, the more I worry. I don't think there is anything that my kids would be exempt from, that they somehow would be superior or not struggle with the poor choices that some of the other children seem to make. I also fear for how the parents are usually the last ones to know about the kid's struggles. 

But, in the middle of all this turmoil, one hears stories of hope. We heard about a young girl, who might have made poor choices in the past, but through  it all, emerged as a person growing in truth, faith and wisdom. 

What was unique about her understanding of life, relationships and marriage was that she wasn't just saying the right things because it was the right thing to say. 

She wasn't doing the right things because she didn't want to hurt or disappoint her parents. She wasn't doing it because she thought she was above the other "bad" children. She wasn't doing it for fear of society or consequences. She wasn't secretly hoping or wishing to do the things that other kids were doing.

She had thought it through, and realized that it didn't make sense.  She realized the "ridiculousness" of it all. She pointed out that if a person doesn't have God, their life is dead. That,  it is meaningless to pursue things that have no value.  It was humbling to know that this kid had insight on things that most adults have difficulty understanding.

It made me think that perhaps this is the heart of obedience. Where sin loses its' sheen, because a person chooses to act on God's truth. That obedience is not the fear of consequences, but the fear of losing what is precious in the sight of God. Also, makes me realize that the only hope my children have of making right choices is by them having  a relationship with God. A relationship based on honest, true intent.

In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness. For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace. - Romans 11-14


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