
Yesterday was Daniel's first day at Pre-K. The little guy has one more year before he transitions to the real world of "School". Right now, he goes to a small christian pre-school with 16 students or so.

As he was getting ready for school yesterday, he turns to me indignantly and tells me,

"Mummy, I don't like these little kids. I wish they would stop bothering me. I want to play alone. The last time I went to school, the boys didn't let me play in Landry's pink house".

I thought that was so funny. That the boys wanted to make sure Daniel made some manly choices, and pink was not one of them. I also found it sweet how he didn't want to be bothered.

Innocence. Maybe, that is what is precious about that age. They say what they mean and mean what they say. And, I pray that God protects that innocence for as long as possible.


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