
Stereotypes are broad generalizations and oversimplified views of people. A thought that may be adopted that specific types of individuals act in certain ways. It may or may not reflect reality.

It is disturbing being stereotyped, especially when the stereotypes are negative. We tend to do it all the time, though.

After migrating to the US, I was introduced to the word "FOB", which basically means "fresh off the boat". People who have spent most of their time in India and then migrate to the US are referred to as FOBs. Indians who are born and brought up in the US, tend to think that FOBS want to be like them.

Some of the assumptions surrounding FOBs are that they tend to pick up American accents, act nerdy or geeky, usually have software/engineering/nursing jobs, probably don't speak English too well, don't listen to English music, don't wear western outfits or don't know how to use makeup. They eat only Indian food. FOBs are somewhat crude or simple. 

FOBs return the favor by referring to Indians born and brought up in America as ABCDs - American born confused Desis. The general assumption is that they are confused about their identities. They don't know if they are Indians or Americans. They end up adopting both and feel uncomfortable in both skins. Their view of India is limited to Bollywood, TV or their own families.

As a FOB, I have experienced this kind of stereotyping at subtle levels and I stereotype ABCDs as well. Surprisingly, it's not the white American who does it. It's other Indians, probably because they haven't spent enough time getting to understand or appreciate the differences. 

It's sad that we talk about racism and recognize it when we see it in others. Racism is the belief that all members of a race possess characteristics specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to that race. 

It's okay to laugh at ourselves. In fact, we need to do that. We need to stop taking ourselves so seriously. 

But, what bothers me is when FOBs or ABCDs tend to look down on each other, as if one is superior to the other. It's an attitude that reeks of arrogance, and I hope and pray that God gives us His wisdom to stop doing it. 


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