Of hashtags and what not

Hash tags have gained popularity in the web world, with social networking sites like Twitter.

Twitter enables users to read and post "tweets", which are like text messages. These tweets are read and followed by other users who use Twitter. Like most networking sites, including Facebook, Twitter is also about updating friends/the world about the latest and greatest things happening in our lives. It tends to be conversation centered.

It's one of those cool things that celebrities do, and they have  a bunch of users hanging on to every word they say. Teenagers also use this quite a bit. Facebook has now introduced hash tags that can be part of statuses, comments and pictures.

I guess, like all forms of social networking, this also comes with its' share of good and bad. Like people posting random, pretentious tags like "thisishowedoit", "suckstobesocool", "imhotandyouarenot" and what not. 

The whole idea behind having hash tags is to initiate conversation on a topic or make it searchable on the web, but these random tags don't do anything of that sort. Just another attempt to hide behind our pretentious, superficial ways. I don't know why this irks me, but it does. It seems like we are all so fake or wanting attention or to be perceived as cool. I don't know what it is. 

Speaking of which, it may be time for me to put my granny ways aside, and read up on the latest ways to "follow" my kids activities on social networking sites. Since, kids don't talk to their parents about anything real, and parents are also all about being fake, anyway.

General Disclaimer:
I'm not against social networking sites. I think they are powerful tools that could be used to communicate effectively, build a sense of community and friendship and stay connected.



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