The happy dance

It never ceases to amaze me how little kids live so much in the moment. Every little thing is a celebration. It almost makes me want to put my "grumpus" ways aside, and join in with them. 

It was just one of those things I did for the heck of it. I put Naomi in an underwear instead of a diaper. The last time I did that, she peed all over the place, and showed me all the different areas to scrub. I didn't want to repeat my experiment anytime soon, but did it anyway. 

It was another one of those days, when I was trying to get my hyper kids to settle down for a nap, and ended up exhausted and fell asleep on the bed instead of them. Naomi woke me up saying, "Mommy, look wet". I remember thinking to myself, "Oh, great, I forgot about her underwear. I have some cleaning to do"

To my absolute amazement, she had not only used the little froggy potty we had, she had manged to sit in the right location, and not make her clothes or underwear wet. You have to be a parent to really appreciate how huge of an achievement that is (more to the parent than the child,  perhaps). 

The next few days, she continued using the potty. And, each time she did, it was the same happy dance. "Come, look and see. I did it". 

So, to celebrate her accomplishment, we decided to go to a store and buy her more underwear. This is the same store where our neighbor, JenJen works. JenJen is the closest to the kids knowing what a grandma can be, considering their actual grandmas are not here anymore. She actually lights up when she sees them and enjoys every silly thing they do, just like grandmas. 

We happened to run into her at the store, and she was all excited and hugged the kids. Naomi promptly handed JenJen the underwear we bought and said, "For you". JenJen replied, "Oh, Thank you, I will wear them tonight". And then, Daniel tells her, "Oh, I think they are too small for you"

And, after we reached home, Naomi rushed to the froggy potty upstairs instead of using the usual potty and after she was done, she drags the little potty downstairs and tells me, "Look, Mommy, i did it". When I looked inside, there was poop in it. It sounds disgusting, but to a Mommy, it isn't.

This reminds me that God sends us these days to lighten us up. Maybe, as grown ups, we take life too seriously, and these little kids and funny grandmas remind us that it is good to laugh. 

If it delights us so much to see our kids happy, how much more would it delight God to see His children joyful.


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