Decisions, Choices

Every day, we are faced with the possibility of having to make decisions. Choices that we make could affect our day or even influence the rest of our lives. I find it very challenging to make decisions. To know if what we are choosing to do is the right way to go.

Here are a few principles that I've heard of - 
  • Use the Bible as your grid. As you are in tune with the Father, you will begin to naturally walk in the works God has already prepared for you. To do the things He has already begun to put in your heart. Ask yourself if this decision brings freedom or bondage in your life? And will it contribute to you walking in the fullness of all that you are called to be?  
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. - Ephesians 2:10
  • For bigger decisions, seek counsel from people in whom you trust. Prayer is great help, not only by yourself but also with others. Make your own decisions after weighing what was said.
Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls" - Jeremiah 6:16
  • It’s also important to realize that the desire in your heart to do something is a good thing. Timing is important too. Ask God and then be patient to wait and pray.
  • The Nike principle- Sometimes you have to “Just do it.” It’s so much better to risk than to never be 100% sure and thus to never move forward. You can never fail with God; you can only learn from your mistakes.

When we were planning on Daniel's school, I spent a lot of time researching schools and how each one was compared/ranked. Maybe, this was a much needed exercise, but I found that the information didn't help us decide. 

In those cases, my prayer has always been for God to shut those doors, that are not right for us. 

Even with Daniel's school - though we tried various options, the school that worked out was the one closest to our house. It turned out to be a good choice for him. Though, I'm sure there might have been better/more competitive schools. But, for him, I'm not sure if he would have thrived in those situations.

This has pretty much been a pattern in my life. College, marriage, finding and losing jobs, children, family. Doors are shut. What seems like an unanswered prayer is actually a blessing in disguise. 

There is comfort in knowing that God is at the steering wheel. That, He will lead these life choices. There is power in relinquishing control. To let the One who knows best handle it for you. If it's not right, let it not work out. Not now, never.


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