Till death do us part

Both my kids talk quite a bit about being married. Especially, with Naomi - her plans are pretty elaborate.

She has it down, all figured out right from the "white off-shoulder" dress that she is going to wear, to the number of rooms that she needs in a house and even the number of kids and their names. She is going to have two kids - the boy will be named Samuel and girl will be named Anna. She has asked that Daddy lives with her and I can live with Daniel. I'm also going to be taking care of my grandkids when she goes to work. The other day, as part of her game, batman Lego married Dr. Lego and they lived in their white house with a pink fence. Daniel, on the other hand has decided to have five kids. He was somewhat anxious when we told him that he would need to find a wife, when he is older.

I sincerely hope that they don't lose their sense of joy about finding a life partner.

Maybe, it is part of being a little girl, who dreams of being married one day, meeting the prince of her dreams or even having that perfect house and perfect kids. Sometimes, when these little girls grow older, their dreams get crushed a little bit.

I'm sure that this doesn't happen with every kid, but it is increasingly becoming rare to find a young person who wants to be married. When we were growing up, we would joke about how the fastest way to get a boyfriend to head for the door would be to talk about getting married. And, if you never want to see him again, talk about having kids.

I think it could be that marriage is viewed as a loss of freedom and increase in responsibility. It is viewed as putting someone else's needs ahead of your own at the expense of losing your own sense of identity.

Kids look around and see unhappy parents and unhappy couples - why would they want to jump into something that seems so unattractive from the start? When we add the baggage of arranged marriages - a bride or groom from a distant land, who has different upbringing and ideas from someone born and raised in America. The lack of compatibility/understanding for each others' differences is a scary prospect.

I was a very clueless bride. God used marriage to break and change me. And, I absolutely needed to be broken. Sometimes, married folks are hit by situations and personal issues that are way beyond their control. No matter what my husband or I did, we kept hitting the same roadblocks. Marriages are unique - I don't think anyone can claim to know it all. We are unique in what we experience and our response to it.

Our marriage has caused us deep pain, but has also been a source of tremendous blessing. My husband is my best friend. He has stood by me. He has held my hand, accepted and encouraged me. Our marriage is not free from problems. But, at the end of the day, there is no other man I would rather be with.

It took 13 years of God having to break at those hard layers and mold us, to be able to see in part what God was able to see fully when he brought us together.

If there is anything that I would want my kids to hold onto is that - God is sufficient. In the midst of the storm, in those times of waiting and blessings - He is our only constant, our only hope.

“I have an awesome heavenly Father who cares for me, loves me, and has prepared great things for me. I won’t be afraid today. Today I choose to live with gratitude for the LOVE that fills my heart, the PEACE that rests within my spirit and the voice of HOPE that says… all things are possible.”


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