Incoherent ramblings

Why do Malayalees always want to add extra characters to a person's name? Anita is not ANITHA. This is totally cringeworthy! I would much rather be called Ani or Annie. As if, having multiple kids with matching names like Messy, Busy and Jessy wasn't enough, we also change the spellings randomly.

Also, you don't get to call people Uncle and Aunty if they are the same generation as you. If you don't have a real Aunty or Uncle that age, you don't get to have an imaginary Uncle and Aunty. Calling people Uncle and Aunty when they are not old enough to be your Uncle and Aunty is not respectful, it's just lazy. I remember the look of horror on my poor Mummy's face when a lady 2 years younger than her called her Aunty. My sweet Mummy was nice enough to just smile and respond.

When in doubt, stick to Chechi, Chachan or Amamma. To break this down, look for an age difference of 15 years and above before calling someone an Uncle or Aunty. I used to think that only ABCDs from America are clueless about this, but people from India are much worse. Also, most of us are not as young as we think we are. We are dealing with generation 'Alpha' since 2010. Millennials are considered 'Old' now. :)

I cannot keep track of the number of times I have heard things like 'Don't make her mad' or 'It's always the quiet ones who are dangerous' or 'You never know what she is thinking' and what not. 

What about the crap that quiet people put up with from people who have no reign on their tongues and pass off rude jokes as funny? You would think that people should be okay with a quiet person getting mad or expressing an opinion, every once in a while, but NO. That apparently makes people very scared and suspicious! 

Also, all quiet people are not the same. We have our unique personalities, and idiosyncrasies. Don't club all of us in the same bucket. The only similarity sometimes a quiet person has with another quiet person is that they are both 'quiet'.

On a different note, why is that when people talk about sin- it's always telling someone else what to do or pointing out others' sin? Which of us will tell God, "Oh please God, judge my sin"? Which of us is willing to stand under the weight of God's judgment? Isn't it high time that we extend grace to each other and learn to walk humbly? 

“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.”

—Jack Handey


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