Friends, maybe..

There was a quote that someone posted on Facebook about sisters and friends that said - "Only a sister can be a best friend and keep all your secrets". Maybe, this is an indication that I'm spending too much time reading crap on Facebook, but whatever it is, it got me thinking.

I'm thankful for everything my sister or a friend does for me, but the last thing I need from them is to keep my "secrets." 

I would rather have a sister who wouldn't hesitate to give me a kick in the butt, if I needed it (And, thankfully, she does just that!).

I would rather have a friend who has my best interests at heart. Someone who does not try hard to be liked or be popular or appear open minded to my bad choices. I would rather have them fight for me instead of watching passively and guarding my "secrets".

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up.

I remember watching something on TV, about a girl who made a series of poor choices. She spent her life in numerous foster homes. The cops fortunately rescued her before she tried to kill herself. In her interview, she just plainly stated that there were so many people who knew about what she was doing and her bad decisions. All this while, she waited for someone to say something - to just show they cared, somehow.

It is ironic that we think that we are respecting people's choices by being silent and listening. But, it takes more of an effort to speak up like one would for someone that mattered or was valued. Even, if it meant talking to someone who wasn't receptive, they would still perhaps know someone cared.


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