We love watching animation movies at home.
So, when "Frozen" seemed to be the center of so much attention, I was curious. We even had 4 year old Sunday school girls in our classroom raving about it.
Maybe, I'm in the minority of the female crowd when I say this - but I was somewhat disappointed with the movie. I would rather watch Shrek, over this one. But, as far as princess-type, Disney movies go, Frozen is top-notch.
The older princess has magical powers, which turns anything she touches to ice. These magical powers cause so much fear in her heart, that she goes into hiding. To conceal the power she has and to protect her loved ones. Her younger sister, however longs for her to be part of her life.
Long story short - Elsa, the older sister accidentally freezes a part of the younger sister, Anna's heart. This would eventually cause Anna to die.
The movie ends with how only "Love can thaw a frozen heart". Love restores the frozen heart - brings it back to life.
Perfect love casts out all fear. And, there is no greater love than the one who would lay down his life for his friends. It reminds me of Christ's love for the undeserving, the very people who despise him, the broken, the sinful.
This is so contrary to our love which can be inhibited, restrictive, based on mutual trust or give and take. Sometimes, it is the bare minimum.
But, Christ's love is unfailing, pure, redemptive - which is why anyone who has experienced his touch cannot walk away with a frozen heart.